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Sabtu, 31 Maret 2012

10 axample of direct speech

  1. Rheo said, “I like hair style of Mrs. Olga today”.
  2. Steven Gerrard said, ”Liverpool will win the match tonight”.
  3. Luis Suarez said, “I will make score in match today”.
  4. Noel Gallagher said, “Oasis will be the best British Band ever”.
  5. Liam Gallagher said, “I like a music blues”.
  6. Kenny Dalghlis said, “Liverpool will defeat Manchester United today in The Anfield”.
  7. My Mom said, “I will cook omelette for today”.
  8. Dea said, “tomorrow I will do practice taekwondo at school”.
  9. He said, “I’m not going to the club tonight”.
  10. She told me, “I do not have a boyfriend”.

How to make an indirect speech ?

Make an indirect speech :
1.Unmarked quotation.
2. Flat intonation and decreased at the end of the sentence.
3. Actors directly expressed in the contents of the sentence changes, namely:
a. pronoun to be the into-1-3.
b. pronoun to be the into-2-1.
c. pronoun to the plural-2, or we become us or them, in accordance with its contents.
4. Said task: that, in order, because, for, so, about, and so forth.
5. All form part of the sentence quoted news.
For example :
Direct Speech                 : “I’m going to the cinema”, he said.
Indirect Speech     : He said he was going to the cinema.

What is indirect speech ?

Indirect speech is the sentence which report / notify the words or speech of others. Indirect form of sentence only in the form of news sentences and the sentence has been modified some.

How to make a direct speech ?

Stages of making direct speech is always enclosed in quotation marks (") and always start a capital sentence. Signs colon (:) or a comma (,) is placed before the direct speech when words liaison / reporting (reporting verb) it was in advance, and comma (,) must be placed after the direct speech where conjunctions placed after or between direct speech. punctuation marks such as exclamation points (!), question mark (?) which indicates the type of direct sentence unchanged.

What is direct speech ?

Kalimat langsung atau Direct Speech adalah kalimat yang di katakan secara langsung oleh orang pertama kepada orang kedua dan kalimat yang bilamana reported speech menyatakan kata-kata yang sebenarnya. Kalimat-kalimat tersebut tidak di hubungkan oleh "that" melainkan harus dengan (tanda baca) koma.