Tipe If-Clause dan faktanya
If Clause Type
(1) it is possible and also very likely that the condition will be fulfilled.
form : if + Simple Present, will-Future, example : If I meet her, I’ll ask her for diner
(2) It is possible but very unlikely, that the condition will be fulfilled.
form : if + Simple Past, past future (= would + Infinitive), example : if I found her address, I would send her an invitation
(3) It is impossible that the condition will be fulfilled because it refers to the past..
Form: if + Past Perfect, past future perfect (= would + have + Past Participle), example If I had worked harder, I would have had a car.
(1) it is possible and also very likely that the condition will be fulfilled.
form : if + Simple Present, will-Future, example : If I meet her, I’ll ask her for diner
(2) It is possible but very unlikely, that the condition will be fulfilled.
form : if + Simple Past, past future (= would + Infinitive), example : if I found her address, I would send her an invitation
(3) It is impossible that the condition will be fulfilled because it refers to the past..
Form: if + Past Perfect, past future perfect (= would + have + Past Participle), example If I had worked harder, I would have had a car.
Tipe Wish dan faktanya
(1) Future wish :
- I wish my friend would visit me this afternoon. (Saya berharap teman saya akan mengunjungi saya sore ini). Faktanya: my friend will not come this afternoon.
- They wish that you could come to the party tonight. (Mereka berharap bahwa kamu bisa datang sebentar malam). Faktanya: you can’t come.
- Bobby wishes he were coming with Angelia. (Bobby berharap dia datang dengan Angelia). Faktanya: Bobby is not coming with Angelia.
- I wish my friend would visit me this afternoon. (Saya berharap teman saya akan mengunjungi saya sore ini). Faktanya: my friend will not come this afternoon.
- They wish that you could come to the party tonight. (Mereka berharap bahwa kamu bisa datang sebentar malam). Faktanya: you can’t come.
- Bobby wishes he were coming with Angelia. (Bobby berharap dia datang dengan Angelia). Faktanya: Bobby is not coming with Angelia.
(2) Present wish :
- I wish I were rich. (Saya berharap saya kaya). Faktanya adalah: I am not rich.
- I wish I had enough time to finish my work. (Saya berharap saya punya cukup waktu untuk menyelesaikan pekerjaan saya). Faktanya: I don’t have enough time to finish my wor
- John wishes that Ririn were old enough to be his girl friend. (John berharap bahwa Ririn cukup umur untuk menjadi pacarnya). Faktanya: Ririn is not old enough to be John’s girl friend
- I wish I were rich. (Saya berharap saya kaya). Faktanya adalah: I am not rich.
- I wish I had enough time to finish my work. (Saya berharap saya punya cukup waktu untuk menyelesaikan pekerjaan saya). Faktanya: I don’t have enough time to finish my wor
- John wishes that Ririn were old enough to be his girl friend. (John berharap bahwa Ririn cukup umur untuk menjadi pacarnya). Faktanya: Ririn is not old enough to be John’s girl friend
(3) Past Wish :
- I wish I had washed my clothes yesterday. (Saya berharap saya telah cuci pakaian-pakaian saya kemarin). Faktanya: I didn’t wash my clothes yesterday
- Irwan wishes that he had answered the questions well. (Irwan berharap bahwa dia telah menjawab soal-soal dengan baik). Faktanya: Irwan didn’t answer the questions well.
- Christian Ronaldo wishes that his team could have beaten the German team. (Christian Ronaldo berharap bahwa teamnya dapat mengalahkan team Jerman). Faktanya: Christian Ronaldo’s team couldn’t beat the German team.
- I wish you had been here last night. (Saya berharap kamu ada di sini tadi malam). Faktanya: you were not here last night
Fungsi Tipe If-Clause- I wish I had washed my clothes yesterday. (Saya berharap saya telah cuci pakaian-pakaian saya kemarin). Faktanya: I didn’t wash my clothes yesterday
- Irwan wishes that he had answered the questions well. (Irwan berharap bahwa dia telah menjawab soal-soal dengan baik). Faktanya: Irwan didn’t answer the questions well.
- Christian Ronaldo wishes that his team could have beaten the German team. (Christian Ronaldo berharap bahwa teamnya dapat mengalahkan team Jerman). Faktanya: Christian Ronaldo’s team couldn’t beat the German team.
- I wish you had been here last night. (Saya berharap kamu ada di sini tadi malam). Faktanya: you were not here last night
Type 1
Fungsi : digunakan untk menyatakan suatu peristiwa yg akan terjadi diwaktu yang akan bila syarat tertentu
( IF + S + V1/Ves + O, S + WILL + V1 + O )
Ex. If Igraduatedfrom my college on time, Theywill giveme the jobIf heishere, Iwill behappy
Type 2
Fungsi : digunakan untk menyatakan peristiwa yang tak mungkin terjadikarena syarat tdk dpat dipenuhi (unlike condition)RUMUS ==
( IF + S + V2/Ved + O, S + Would + V1 + O )
Ex. If Iwonthe lottery, Iwould buythe houseIf shewerehere with me, Iwould bevery happyKet_gunakan ´wereµ kalo ga ada kata kerja., untk smua subjek. µwasµ tidakberlaku
Type 3
Fungsi : digunakan untk menyatakan keadaan yang seharusnya telah terjadi diwaktu lampau, namun tak terjadi karena syarat tak terpnuhi.RUMUS ==
( IF + S + Had V3 + O, S + Would have V3 + O
Ex. If uhad attendedmy party last night, uwould havemet your old friends.If shehad beenfine, Iwould not have been sad.
Example sentences
If I got the money,would buy you the comic. Fact: Idon·t getthe money so Idon·t buy you the comic.
If my mother prepared the break fast, we would eat it. fact : Mother doesn’t preparethe breakfast so wedon·teat it.
Father would pickme if I asked him. fact : Father doesn’t pickme because Idon·task him.
If the teacher didn’t comewewouldbe happy. fact : The Teacher comes so wearen·tbe happy.
The teacher would giveus the test if we were ready. fact : The teacherdoesn·t giveus the test because we aren’t ready.
The boy wouldn’t playin the rain if his motherdidn·t permithimThe boyplaysin the rain because his Mother permitshim.
If he had visited me, I would have been happyHedidn·t visitedme so I wasn·t happy.
If they had not attendedthe meting, they wouldn’t have gotten the information.
They attended the meting, they got the information.
I would have beenlate if I hadn·t gotten up earlyIwasn·tlate because I got up early.
If she had writtenthe letter, I would have replied it. fact : She didn·t writethe letter so I didn·t reply it
Fungsi Tipe Wish
Fungsi utama dari kata "wish" adalah untuk mengekspresikan penyesalan.
· I wish (that) I weren't here now.
· I wish (that) I didn't have to go to school tomorrow.
· I wish (that) I had studied harder when I was at school.
Tenses yang mengikuti wish sama dengan second dan third conditionals. Kata that dapat dihilangkan dalam percakapan tidak resni.
Ekspresi wish ... would digunakan untuk membicarakan tentang keinginan agar orang lain melakukan sesuatu:
Ekspresi wish ... would digunakan untuk membicarakan tentang keinginan agar orang lain melakukan sesuatu:
· I wish you would tidy your room.
· I wish you wouldn't always come home so late.
Dalam situasi tidak resmi, wish + (object) + infinitive dapat digunakan seperti pemakaian kata "want":
· I wish to speak to the director.
· Do you wish me to serve refreshments, sir?
· Wish is also used in some fixed expressions:
· I/we wish you a Merry Christmas (and a Happy New Year).
· I/we wish you well/all the best.
Contoh kalimat pengandaian :
If I got the money,would buy you the comic (Idon·t getthe money so Idon·t buy you the comic)
If I got the money,would buy you the comic (Idon·t getthe money so Idon·t buy you the comic)
· If my mother prepared the break fast, we would eat it (Mother doesn’t preparethe breakfast so wedon·teat it)
· Father would pickme if I asked him (Father doesn’t pickme because Idon·task him)
· If the teacher didn’t comewewouldbe happy (The Teacher comes so wearen·tbe happy)
· The teacher would giveus the test if we were ready (The teacherdoesn·t giveus the test because we aren’t ready)
· If she had writtenthe letter, I would have replied it (She didn·t writethe letter so I didn·t reply it)
· I wish I had a tape recorder ( I don’t have a tape recorder )
· I wish I had studied for the test ( I didn’t study for the test )
· John wishes he had finished his work ( John didn’t finish his work )
· I wish I hadn’t gone to the meeting ( I went to meeting )
Source :
BalasHapusSaya Abdullah Nofia yang tinggal di Papua, saya di sini untuk memberi kesaksian seorang Lender Pinjaman yang baik yang menunjukkan cahaya kepada saya setelah ditipu 3 kali berbeda di Internet oleh beberapa pemberi pinjaman yang tidak lain adalah palsu,
Mereka semua berjanji untuk memberi saya pinjaman setelah membuat saya membayar banyak kepada mereka sebagai biaya yang tidak menghasilkan apa-apa dan sebesar tidak ada hasil positif. saya kehilangan uang hasil kerja keras saya dan itu sangat membuat frustrasi.
Suatu hari ketika menelusuri internet saya menemukan kesaksian seorang wanita yang juga ditipu dan akhirnya dikaitkan dengan perusahaan pinjaman yang sah, ONE BILLION RISING FUND dan di mana dia akhirnya mendapatkan pinjamannya, saya memutuskan untuk menghubungi dia dan menjelaskan tekanan keuangan saya. kepadanya dan jika dia bisa membantu saya untuk berbicara dengan perusahaan,
Saya kemudian menceritakan kepada mereka kisah saya tentang bagaimana saya ditipu oleh 3 pemberi pinjaman yang berbeda yang tidak melakukan apa pun selain merampok uang saya. Saya menjelaskan kepada perusahaan melalui surat dan semua yang mereka katakan kepada saya adalah untuk tidak menangis lagi karena saya akan mendapatkan pinjaman saya di perusahaan mereka dan saya juga telah membuat pilihan yang tepat dengan menghubungi mereka. Saya mengisi formulir permohonan pinjaman dan melanjutkan dengan semua yang diperlukan dari saya dan saya terkejut, saya diberi pinjaman sebesar Rp 200 juta oleh perusahaan besar ini, ONE BILLION RISING FUND, semua berkat JAMES (direktur transfer), seorang yang takut akan Tuhan. pria dan mentor dan di sini saya hari ini bahagia karena perusahaan ini telah memberi saya pinjaman jadi saya bersumpah pada diri sendiri bahwa saya akan terus bersaksi tentang pekerjaan baik mereka dalam hidup saya tentang bagaimana saya mendapatkan pinjaman saya.
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